Monday, February 8, 2010

I want to be a dad in my next life

I'm sure for most moms out there, the title of this post is completely self-explanatory and doesn't require anything further.

For the rest of you, allow me to explain.  Being a dad is like having a high-level corporate job.  Being a mom is like being a new small business owner.  Still not clear?

The corporate job is a 9-5 position.  Every once in a while, you may have to put in some extra hours, but you are always very well compensated for the overtime.  You also get benefits!  Sick time, vacation time, holidays off ... if you can't come in to work for some reason, no problem.  You'll still get paid.  Not happy with a particular demand?  Look up your job description ... if it's not in there, don't feel like you need to do it without requiring a raise or extra time off.

The new small business owner position is a 24/7 committment.  If you don't show up, the business doesn't run!  There are no sick days, holidays, vacation time ... if you're not there, not only will you not be paid, but something will most definitely be screwed up by the time you get back, causing you to have to put in more time to fix than you took off in the first place.  Not happy with a demand?  Tough.  There is no job description.  If you don't do it, it won't get done.

Read it and weep, big papas!  You've definitely got it made.

1 comment:

  1. HAhah! I love that! You always have a way of putting perfectly! I'm going to ahow this to Matt right now! hehe!
